The Women's Fall Bible Study is 7 Feasts, Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament, by Erin Davis.
We will meet Tuesday mornings at 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Childcare is available. We will meet for 9 weeks beginning September 19 and going through November 14.
Study description from the Revive Our Hearts website: It’s hard to know when you read about the Feast of Booths why exactly it matters for your life. What in the world is the Feast of Trumpets supposed to be teaching you?
In this 9-week Bible study, Erin Davis will teach us:
-The significance of these feasts and why God wanted His people to celebrate
-How each of them point to Jesus and His work in redemption
-Why all of this matters for our lives today
Discover that passages you once skimmed over are now rich and meaningful in your life today.