Join Us for our Global Outreach Summit - February 23-March 2 (note this spans 2 Sunday mornings this year)
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17
Our Global Outreach Summit this year will be a different style than what we have been used to in years past. The Keynote Speaker, Wayne Weissman, will be teaching us through the Seven Feasts of Israel throughout the week and will help lead a Passover Seder on Friday evening. While we will hear briefly from a few other guests, the main focus will be on seeing Christ in the Feasts of Israel. Our prayer is that this teaching will inform us on the Children of Israel, but also help us to see the Gospel story throughout the Feasts, thus inspiring us to take this good news to Jewish neighbors in our paths, as well as the world as a whole.
Sunday, February 23 (Sanctuary)
9:00-9:25 am: Friends of Israel*
9:30-10:00 am: Feast One*
10:15-11:45 am: Worship Service - Feast Two*
6:00-7:00 pm: Feasts Three & Four
Wednesday, February 26
6:45-8:15 pm: Regular ALIVE, Team Kid, 56 Followers, & Nursery
7:00-8:15 pm: Prayer Meeting & Feast Five*
Friday, February 28 (Fellowship Hall)
6:30-8:30 pm: Passover Seder Meal** (separate Realm Event - please sign up)
7:15 pm: Children’s Mission Program
Saturday, March 1 (Fellowship Hall)
10:00am-noon Service Project** (more details coming soon)
Sunday, March 2 (Sanctuary)
9:00-9:30 am: Don & Tabitha Nguyen*
9:30-10:00 am: Feast Six*
10:15-11:45 am: Worship Service - Feast Seven, Mission Challenge*
ALIVE youth will participate in the Summit events for Sunday mornings.
Children will attend their regular Sunday morning classes.
* Nursery Care is available for these events.
** Sign Up at the Information Center or on Realm.